Switch between terminals shortcut

I usually have two or three terminals at the bottom for running servers and common file management operations (ls,mv,cat,cp, etc…) I would like to be able to switch between them with a shortcut or even better, make the `Focus next split view` shortcut work even when you're in the terminal, from what I've tested so far it works pretty much anywhere but there



Please tell if using the cmd+T for showing the active tool windows works for you?
Thank you 


yes it works within a terminal

Great! Please tell if it solves the issue for you?

Not completely, I mean it does let me change to another terminal but from a dev experience perspective now I need to perform cmd+t with a hand to open the tools modal and then use the arrow keys (or worse, the mouse lol) with my other hand to select the terminal i want, it may sound trivial but for an action that I (and I'm sure many other devs) perform hundreds of times that movement breaks the flow.

For example in vscode there is an option to set shortcuts only when the focus is on the terminal, that way I can perform the desired action specifically within the terminal

"key": "alt+tab",
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.focusPrevious",
"when": "terminalFocus"

and with files on the main panel by removing the when field:

"key": "alt+tab",
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.focusPrevious",

That is extremely powerful when working with multiple files and terminals at the same time which any devs surely is dealing with on a daily basis.

The zed editor has something similar:

   "context": "Terminal",
   "bindings": {
     "alt-tab": "workspace::ActivateNextPane",

Here the context field signifies where it should work, and if you remove the context field the set commands work anywhere possible. But in both vscode and zed if you set their “next pane” shortcut they work  out of the box within the terminal too.

The examples above is just showing how other editors solve the issue. I love this editor and I been trying to daily drive it seriously for a while but these are the seemingly “simple” things that allow us to be as productive as possible


Thank you for clarification!
Sounds like a really good feature indeed! 
I've created an issue for this case, please follow:

Have a great week :)

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