Run & Debug >> Remember the last device


Using Fleet to write iOS apps, one very annoying behavior is “Run & Debug" auto-switching the target device.

90% of the time I want to run my app on the same Simulator device, so I go to the “Run & Debug” > “Choose a device and run” and select my favorite simulator device. That works fine.

The problem is, whenever it re-detects my iPhone or iPad nearby, it auto-switches to them as the target device, without any notice, leading to me wasting time learning this occurred by observing the build idle for a while as it waits for the device to unlock (of course that's hidden in the inaccessible build log).

Once I've figured this happened, I have to go back to the long list of simulators (device size x iOS version) and hunt for the one I want. This happens multiple times a day.

My ask is simple → remember the last device I ran on, and never change it.
Alternatively → make this an option, or better yet, let me save a “run configuration” with the target device in it!

Thanks ahead.


Adding to that, when a new “build configuration” is automatically generated (such as “Run current file” when in a XCTestCase file), it would be great if you took the last device I selected to run on, and not keep defaulting to the physical devices.



Thank you for the valuable feedback!
Please follow the issues created for the described cases:



Looks great, thank you!


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