Fleet not finishing configuring project
I recently installed a new and fresh version of Fleet but I'm unable to get past “Configuring project”. The project isn't too big, includes Java/Spring and a NextJS frontend (I've deleted the npm packages). I've no issues when running this project in IntelliJ.
Fleet it stuck running theses processes:
* Configure project <project name>
* Updating indexes
* Reading Maven projects
* Checking and installing Maven wrapper
* Saving <project name> settings
Any ideas what could cause this?
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I solved it by moving all the items in my project folder to another backup folder and just re-adding one file/folder at a time to my project folder - letting Fleet index each file/folder on its own.
Thank you for the report and for sharing that it works now!
Can you please share the logs captured after the issue with configuring/indexing is reproduced?
Please find logs locations here:
Thank you