Fleet starts lagging after about a half hour of activity. How to fix?

I noticed a post from someone else where this was mentioned but not fully elaborated.

I've mostly been using Fleet so far for PowerShell or other Command Line scripts. When first started, it runs fine, but after a half hour, the typing becomes unresponsive so that it takes full seconds for a character to appear. Even longer if it's trying to autocomplete brackets, quotes, or parenthesis.

I looked in the settings, and I didn't see anything about GPU optimization but maybe I searched for the wrong words. The AI is active, and up until recently, rainbow brackets was installed. I installed it to see if it was causing the issue--it wasn't.

Is there anything anyone has tried to fix this problem?



Can you please share the logs folder captured after the issues are reproduced. Here is the description of the logs location:

Also please capture the frontend memory snapshot, for this please call for “Start Frontend Profiling…” action.

You may upload all data here: http://uploads.jetbrains.com
and share the generated id with us.

Thank you 


Thank you for getting back to me.

It didn't lag as much as it usually does, but it did lag sometimes, especially when auto-completing brackets and quotes.

Here is the Upload ID: 2024_12_14_gSR9sKjBBkneD6R6MvjJ8Z


Thank you for the logs provided.
Can you also please share the profiling data (“Start Frontend Profiling…” action in Fleet) captured when the issue is reproduced.

Thank you

Thank you for getting back to me.

I think I went about the process to get the Frontend memory diagnostics wrong the first time.

Let me know if this works:

Upload id: 2024_12_16_24d7j4miZg1dbDpQL7ASGH (file: Fleet-1.43.148-20241216113406.hprof)

Thank you,



Thank you for sharing the info! Please follow the issue created for your case:

Thank you.

Looking at the page, I see a star and a like button. I've clicked both.

Is this enough to be updated on the issue?



Yes, this should be enough!:)

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