Fleet only works for the simplest Swift projects; is this your intention?


Fleet only works with single-platform Apple platform projects with no sub-packages. This use case isn't very common in serious development. Yes it's only a preview release, but do you mean for it to be this crippled? 

Swift/Apple support feels particularly important because Jetbrains shut down AppCode. Xcode is awful and you've left us with nothing else! 

Would be great to get some official word on what you think you support currently, and what the intentions are for the future.


Results from testing with various common project types:

Xcode project with a cross-platform target (Mac and iOS)

Very broken - won't even run the app. Run & Debug shows “No devices available”. Doesn't understand code and is basically in dumb mode.

Xcode project (single platform) with code split into SPM package(s)

Mostly broken. Editor is in dumb mode for all code in packages (no code completion, problem highlighting, etc etc). Can run the app though.

This use case is particularly important as a way to share code between targets because Fleet doesn't support cross-platform targets as above.

Xcode project with locally checked out copy of SPM dependency

Can't even see the files from the package :-( 

1 comment

Hi Adrian! Thank you so much for your feedback!

The SPM is indeed still in development and is not working in current releases. The team is currently working on the SPM support. There are multiple improvements planned, including local swift packages in Xcode and standalone SPM projects. 

Multiplatform targets are not supported for Xcode projects yet, there is a feature request: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/FL-27440/Support-multiplatform-Xcode-targets Please feel free to vote and follow it for updates.

Thank you.


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