Basic keymap (Fleet) error with CMD K on Macos for Fleet 1.33.88


I plead guilty to generally jumping in and relying on finding out what works and what doesn't. But today I am attempting to show a little discipline and follow the Fleet documentation and learn how to use it according to the Jetbrains experts.

It did not take long to run into trouble using the standard Fleet keymap.  The fundamental shortcut for Search Everywhere (CMD K) does not work for me.  It does nothing (as near as I can tell).  I did do a search in Sonoma 14.4.1 for a conflicting OS level shortcut but did not find one.

1) is this a known issue?

2) are there more steps I can perform to help explain the behavior I am seeing?


1 comment

Pulled the trigger too early.  After testing Fleet on another Mac in my home, I found 1.33.88 Fleet works as expected so clearly this is not an issue for Jetbrains. My bad.


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